Dynamic stretching

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Dynamic stretching is a method of stretching in which the body is constantly in motion. It provides better performance than static stretching, but is not as precise. Dynamic stretching is our preferred method of stretching.


This routine is performed across (not along) the basketball courts in the Volleyball Gym. The stretch itself is performed until the end of the first basketball court is reached (unless otherwise noted), and the other court is crossed by running at a certain fraction of capacity (unless otherwise noted).

Stretch Jog speed
High knees 50%
Butt kicks 50%
Leg swings out 50%
Leg swings in 50%
Quad hugs 50%
Shin hugs 50%
Hand walkout (5 reps) 50%
Back pedals 50%
Side shuffle Switch direction
Carioca/grapevine Switch direction
Side lunges (5 reps each side) 50%
Front lunges (5 reps each leg) 50%
Toy soldiers 75%
Mario jumps 75%
Jog 50% 75%
Jog 50% 100%
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