Mike Brown Award

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The Mike Brown Award is an award bestowed upon the most promising new UMD fencer by the Capitol Division of the USFA.




The award consists of a one-year USFA competitive membership.


The recipient of the award is to be selected by the officers and coaches of the UMD Fencing Club. Ideally, the selection is made in March, so that the award can be presented at the Cherry Blossom Open. After the recipient is chosen, they are to send a picture and short bio to the Capitol Division to be placed on their website.


The Capitol Division website gives the following description of criteria for the Mike Brown Award:

The division suggests that the term “new fencer” should normally be construed as a fencer who is new to fencing; however, an experienced fencer who is new to the University of Maryland may also be considered. To ensure that the nomination is based on a sufficient record of performance, nominations for a given season should not be made until at least four weeks into the second semester but at least one week before the Cherry Blossom Open.

"Promising” should be interpreted as showing potential for excellence as a fencer. Enthusiasm for the sport and team leadership should be considered as well.

Other factors to consider include the following:
  • sportsmanship
  • leadership
  • skill as a fencer
  • degree of improvement
  • attendance at team events and at practice
  • helping to plan, promote, or organize events that build the club
  • willingness to teach less skilled fencers
  • willingness to direct, especially in foil and saber
  • skill and knowledge as a referee
  • support for events (when not fencing)
  • service as an armorer

— USFA Capitol Division, Mike Brown Award

External Links

USFA Capitol Division Mike Brown Award webpage

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