Capitol Division

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The Capitol Division is the regional authority of the United States Fencing Association of which the UMD Fencing Club is a member. Its authority encompasses Washington DC, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County (where the University is located).


  • Chevy Chase Fencing Club (Washington, DC)
  • DC Fencers Club (Silver Spring, MD)
  • National Capital Fencers Club (Washington, DC)
  • National Fencing Foundation of Washington, DC
  • NIH Fencing Club (Rockville, MD)
  • Rockville Fencing Academy (Rockville, MD)
  • University of Maryland Fencing Club/Terrapin Fencing (College Park, MD)

Note about Half-Shell

We are not permitted to represent the University outside of CRS-approved trips. Therefore, when fencers are competing outside of the team, they report their club affiliation as Terrapin Fencing.

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